Sunday, October 28, 2007

Last day? Not even close!

The Live the Dream women's conference has officially ended, but it really feels more like a beginning to me. As I sat through the sessions and listened to various speakers I felt like God was planting some things. I didn't realize it at the time, but between the laughter and the tears He was moving stuff around, in my heart and in my spirit.

It was birthday yesterday (ha ha devil...I'm still here). I've had plenty of birthdays that were marked by pain and for many years I felt like October 27th simply noted another year served in this life sentence. Yesterday I was standing in the sanctuary, arms raised in worship, and I heard the devil say, 'here you are, 39, single and with nothing to show for your life'. Everything in me wanted to drop my arms, slide out the side door and go home. It took everything in me just to stay there. Then I had a flash of Holly swinging that sword in every direction; fighting fear, fighting financial pressure, fighting for her life. My arms stayed up. I thought of Tammy, standing by the water, gripped by fear, but none the less with a song in her heart. I sang a little louder. I thought of Chris Caine, before she was Chris Caine; when she was abandoned and nameless in a hospital ward. Now I was hot. As the people around me sang I rebuked the fire out of the devil. I reminded him I was a blood-bought, sanctified, child of the God Most High. I told him I was the head and not the tail, above always and never beneath and that he had to get off of me in Jesus' name. I stretched my arms up higher, I sang louder and I thanked God for Who He is. I worshipped.

I didn't go to the conference because I wanted God to set me free from birthday issues. I didn't even know I had birthday issues. I showed up because I wanted to serve my church and support my pastors. Isn't it cool that, when we just show up, God does a mighty work? I believe God did many mighty works this weekend. And I believe that this conference is what the bible refers to as 'small beginnings'. Pastor DeLynn is anointed to lead an army of women into battle. She does it with her smile, her love and her faith. I had no idea how powerful her weapons are, but I thank God for them.

See you on the battlefield. All glory to God!


At 10/28/2007 4:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Devil was really not at all happy about the Conference. I couldn't sleep at all last night and I received a full on mental attack, similar to yours, but THANK GOD we can cry out to Jesus, rebukethe Devil in Jesus name and He helps us see through all the lies the enemy of life throws at us.

This conference was used by God to touch a lot of people, I am glad I was one of them and you too.

Rock on Sista'!!

At 10/28/2007 8:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!


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