Friday, January 26, 2007

On the mend

Hey all. Sorry I haven't blogged in forever. I've been under the weather for a couple of weeks but I believe I'm on the mend.
Things have been hopping down at the Baton Rouge Dream Center. We're getting ready to start a pre-school literacy program called 'Jump Start'. We had our first day of registration this morning.
We're also busy planning for an event in March called WOW Jam. It's basically a giant block party we're hosting for 2000 of our closest friends. I'll give you more details as we get closer.
The day's highlight, in my opinion, was seeing Miss Barbara operate a forklift for the first time. Normally I drive the Green Monster, but I thought it would be cool for her to give it a shot. She did amazing! I included some photos so I could share the moment.
God is good, all the time! All glory to Him.


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