Tuesday, December 19, 2006

A Day With the Plumber

Yesterday I spent most of the morning being a plumber's helper. Since I know nothing about plumbing, the 'helper' part was mostly turning the water off and on and running to the hardware store for parts. It was interesting.

I'm one of those people who hate to call the fix-it guy. Partially because of the financial implications of it, but mostly because I would like the stuff to get fixed on it's own. (That almost never happens but I continue to hold out faith). The other thing that sometimes happens is that I try to fix it myself. That may be why the light switch in my bedroom now operates the ceiling fan in the living room. I'm still working the kinks out of that. The other night I dropped my favorite earring down the sink...before I got it out I managed to drive a wire coat hanger through the drain pipe. The upside is, I now know how to replace a drain pipe. FYI...one size almost never fits all, no matter what the package says.

At any rate, I had a good day with the plumber. He was kind and patient and he didn't charge me an arm and a leg. We talked about Jesus and church and Pastor Dino. He doesn't attend HPC but he had heard Dino was a good man. That was cool.

I'm so grateful that God sends people to help me. It can be scary as a single woman to have workers in the house, especially when you don't know who they are, what they're doing or how much it will cost. Once again though, God's grace was sufficient. All glory to Him!


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