Sunday, October 15, 2006

Acorns from Heaven

Here's the thing about blogs...when I don't post something for several days most people think it's because there's nothing going on. The truth is, so much is going on that I don't have time to write it down. I'm going to make a concerted effort to blog more often, if only to keep the stories from backing up in my head. Right now I'm trying to keep the details straight between Thursday's mobile medical outreach, Friday's midnight outreach and Saturday's food give-away downtown. AHHHH! God is so good!

Tonight though, I'm not writing about any of that. Instead I want to share something that happened a few days ago during my prayer time. Most days I go for a walk at a school that's close to my house. I try to spend an hour or so walking and praying, and just listening for God's voice. Sometimes I make up songs and sing to Him, but mostly I just talk to Him about what's going on, what I need, what my family needs, etc. I love the idea of Adam and Eve walking with the Lord, through the garden, in the cool of the day. That's what I shoot for during my prayer walks.

The other day I'm walking and praying, and I'm a little overwhelmed by the financial needs in my life. I'm currently living by faith, which means I'm depending on God for everything. So, I'm thanking God (by faith) for His provision in my life and I am simultaneously making a plan in my head in case He doesn't come through. (Not very spiritual, I know, but there it is.) As I'm working on Plan B, an acorn falls out of the tree I'm walking under and hits me (hard) on the head. It made me laugh out loud. God, in His infinite wisdom, was telling me I was nuts.

Every single need I have had since I left my job has been met by God. I don't know what it is about me that is determined to worry and fret, when I know that God continually supplies. I suppose it's probably pride...that vicious lie that tells me that I have some power or control over what happens around me. Stupid lying devil.

I repented to God for pride, for my lack of faith and for making a plan. And then I laughed out loud again. I imagine God talking to a squirrel, instructing it to kick that acorn loose at just the right moment so it lands squarely on my head. I imagine the squirrel looking at God and saying, "Can't You just tell her that You've got it handled?" and God responding, "I have...she's not listening. I told her Myself, I wrote it in My word, I've had other people tell her...she's just not listening. You go Squirrel, maybe she'll hear it from you."

So finally, the message got through. God has me: He's got my finances, He's got the plan and, if necessary, He's got a squirrel on stand-by in case I forget. I love my God! Thank You Father that You continue to speak, even when I need to get hit on the head by You.

And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work. (2Corinthians 9:8 NIV)

All glory to God!


At 10/16/2006 7:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love to read this blog, I check it often, always anxious to see the new thing I haven't read yet. There is always encouragement in every message, and I really enjoy your honest perspective. Keep up the good work.


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