Monday, October 09, 2006

Sabor Latino at Jambalaya Park

I spent much of the day yesterday at the Sabor Latino (Latin Flavor) Festival at Jambalaya Park. HPC's Spanish Campus was sponsoring this event as a community outreach and to celebrate Latin culture. I was there because I had been asked to write a piece on the event. I had planned to meet up with Missy (Pastor Fernando's wife), get a translater, get the info and get out. (Not the right attitude, I know, but I try to be honest.) She was busy with preparations, so I told her I would look around and come back.

I spent the next hour wandering around, feeling quite out of place. The people were very nice, but I had no idea what they were saying. I don't speak any Spanish and it was very disconcerting. I started thinking about how immigrants must feel; coming to a new country with strange customs and a new language. I started thinking about the Hispanic family that had lived next door to me. They were gone now, but I wondered how welcome I had made them feel. Oh sure, I had said hello to the kids when I saw them and waved at them across the fence, but I don't know any of their names. I don't even know for sure when they moved. I wish now that I could tell them about the Spanish church, or at least introduce myself. Too little, too late.

The festival was great...loud music, amazing food. It seemed more like a family reunion than a community event. What makes that really cool is that these people are not just from Mexico, they're from Columbia, Peurto Rico, Honduras, Dominican Republic and other places I can't even spell. The kids all played together, dancing and laughing, as parents congregated and made new friends. It was awesome to watch.

I stayed until it was over; not to get the story, but because I was enjoying myself. God's love is not limited by language, nor is His kindness. Even though I didn't speak a word of Spanish, those people were friendly and welcoming to me. I smiled at them, and thanked God for the opportunity to fellowship with His people. Even without words, the love of Christ shines through.

All glory to God!


At 10/10/2006 9:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not an immigrant, but sometimes I have felt like one, even among my own people. If I'm really honest, I probably have made others feel like that too. Thank you for bringing this to my attention, and for constantly reminding me that Jesus will meet us right where we're at. May God continue to bless you and those you meet.


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